Foster Europe for strong European Regions

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Laboratory for a New Europe: Macro-regional Strategies pushing European Integration

Thu 15, October 2020
12:30 - 13:30
Code: 15QA1099V

Panel: Stefan Gänzle, Head of Department of Political Science, University of Agder, Norway; Andreja Jerina, National Coordinator EUSDR, EUSAIR, EUSALP, Slovenia; Claudia Singer, EU Strategy for the Danube Region, Priority Area 10 Institutional Capacity and Cooperation, Vienna; Sandra Sodini, Director International Relations and European Programs, Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region.

Moderation: Stefan August Lütgenau, Danube Civil Society Forum/Foster Europe

Today the four EU-MRS (EUSBSR, EUSDR, EUSALP, EUSAIR) reach out to 19 MS and 9 non-MS including all applicant states with a population of app. 236m inside and 33.5m outside of the Union. New challenges have emerged (migration, climate, Euroscepticism) and new policy priorities (Green Deal, New Push for Democracy) need to be fully integrated into the MRS concept. The COVID-19 crisis triggered nation-oriented approaches and impacted all EU MRS countries. The EU-MRS offer an effective tool to push for deeper integration along the current EU priorities, and to finalise European Integration, which started in the Rhine valley in the 1950ies, along the banks of the Danube and in the Western Balkan region in the 21st century. EU Regional and Neighbourhood Policies addressing member states, applicant states and EaP countries are key to establish true European Cooperation on all levels in the four Macro-Regions. The Q&A will debate EU MRS, how they can be embedded in the forthcoming period and the new programmes and how the Union can benefit from the MRS concept to live up to its priorities and successfully meet its challenges.

Code: 15QA1099V

Format: Q&A on presented theme

Theme: Cohesion and Cooperation Partners: Assembly of European Regions (AER), Foster Europe

Language: English (EN)

Virtual platform: Zoom