Foster Europe for strong European Regions

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LADDER - Local Authorities as Drivers for Development Education and Raising awareness

One common project (3 years)

26 partners & 20 associates, coming from 18 EU and 17 non EU-countries

One major challenge for the EU and its Neighborhood: Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR)

The project “LADDER – Local Authorities as Drivers for Development Education and Raising awareness” has just started and will be running until December 2017 (36-month duration).

Funded by EuropeAid, LADDER has 1 global objective and 4 specific ones. For the next 36 months, it will seek to enhance and increase the action of Local Authorities in EU DEAR policies, with special reference to the EU Neighboring area. Foster Europe, Foundation for strong European Regions is one of the co-applicants. To do so, the following specific objectives have been identified:

  1. strengthen the capacity of associations of local authorities (LAs) and civil society organizations (CSOs) to act in a sustainable way as drivers for development, fostering their role of multipliers within their countries, communities and networks,

  2. inform, raise awareness and engage citizens in global issues, global interdependency and development education

  3. develop & reinforce the cooperation between LAs and CSOs, to lead to winning synergies

  4. improve DEAR methods in non-formal education system, through the development of new and innovative methods and tools addressed to a wide range of stakeholders (including educators, civil servants, NGOs, youth leaders etc).


Ladder Website Foster Europe.pdf



LADDER Local Authorities as drivers for Development Education & Raising Awareness

LADDER Local Authorities as drivers for Development Education & Raising Awareness

Video: LADDER Local Authorities as drivers for Development Education & Raising Awareness