Foster Europe for strong European Regions

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“Promoting Development Education through a multi-topic approach”: LADDER Thematic Handbook

In the framework of LADDER project, it has been published a Thematic Handbook named “Promoting Development Education through a multi-topic approach”.

This handbook gathers the work of LADDER’s community on advocacy related to six main themes, the project “thematic paths” – namely Youth in Development, Migration, Citizen’s Participation in Development, Environmental and Sustainable Development, Private Cooperation *in Development, and European Year for Development 2015 & Follow Up. Foster Europe was in charge of the thematic path Environmental and Sustainable Development.

The message that we want to share through this publication is that working together, besides all prejudices, threats and fears, is more than an opportunity – it is the solution. Globalization means also global responsibility, and it affects all the aspects of our living together on this planet, including social and economic issues, environment, migration, demography, and many more.Take a read and discover what the project LADDER was able to achieve!

Find the LADDER Thematic Handbook here
