Foster Europe for strong European Regions

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TALE - Take the Lead in the Eu Elections

Foster Europe is pleased to introduce the TALE project - Take the Lead in the Eu Elections, a project funded by the European Parliament and coordinated by ALDA - which aims to reach greater number of voters and empower them to play an active role in the next European parliamentary elections in 2024.

The principal objective of the TALE project is to encourage and facilitate the active engagement of European young citizens with the construction of a vibrant European democracy through participatory processes.

The project partners will train a selected number of (mostly) young people on EU values, institutions, EU Parliament elections and the importance of clear and transparent news. Furthermore it will create a communication campaign that will be supported by the change-makers (selected young people) to allow citizens to get reliable information, debate about the next EU Parliament elections and get closer to the every-day life of the European institutions.

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The project is founded by Funded by the European Parliament